Busy Saturday

Today’s to-do list:

  1. Grocery shopping, even though I did it yesterday (because I need to…)
  2. Go to Mom’s (and…)
  3. Begin making Fried Ice Cream Balls for Big Sis’ Girl Scout Thinking Day (which I didn’t buy the ingredients for yesterday because I thought it was NEXT Sunday, not THIS Sunday. Oops!)
  4. Do homework for online course; due at 6pm (haven’t started yet)
  5. Wash blanket and sleeping bag that Little Sis peed on last night
  6. Wash blanket and sleeping bag that Little Sis peed on last week
  7. Send Evite for event next Saturday (oops again.)
  8. Make snacks for Oscar party tomorrow night
  9. The usual feeding of the troops
  10. Finish everything in time for a family movie night (Mr. Hoagie wants to watch The Addams Family on TiVo. His pick , NOT mine.)

For those of you playing along at home, here’s the recipe I’ll be using today, courtesy of Big Sis’ troop leader.

Fried Ice Cream Balls

To make this fake fried ice cream recipe, use an ice cream scoop to quickly form as many firm ice cream balls as you need. Use your favorite flavor of homemade ice cream. After the balls are formed, you might need to place them in an airtight freezer container and set them in the freezer for a while to harden. You need them to be rock hard!

Just before serving, take the frozen balls and roll them in a bowl of crushed corn flakes, pressing them firmly into the corn flakes until they are completely coated with the cereal. Frosted flakes work well too, and they are especially good.

Some cooks prefer adding a tablespoon or two of corn syrup or liquid honey to the cereal first, claiming it makes the flakes stick to the ice cream better and helps to simulate the deep fried taste.

As with traditional fried ice cream recipes, add the customary garnish of whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar, and a red maraschino cherry on top. Serve immediately.

About Kathleen

Kathleen Heuer is a serial arts advocate and volunteer. She is the mom of two beautiful girls, wife to a brilliant nuclear engineer, and referee between her golden retriever and her hissy 18-year-old cat. For more, go to http://about.me/kathleendheuer.
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3 Responses to Busy Saturday

  1. Betty says:

    Sounds like a long day. Take some time to put those feet up and relax. 😉
    Fried Ice Cream Balls sound great. Yum!

  2. Sounds like a very long day! So do you actually fry the ice cream?

  3. Sandwiched says:

    No, you don’t fry it, thank goodness. 🙂 What a mess THAT would’ve made!

    As it is, Mom will be stepping on little bits of crushed Frosted Flakes on her kitchen floor for the next 6-8 months.

    I got several compliments and a request for the recipe at the event, though, so maybe it was all worth it.

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